You are here: News > Member Case Study - GH James Cyf
As a group we regularly run half day courses such as manual handling, working at height, asbestos awareness & abrasive wheels, these courses are run from Anglesey.
During 2023, one of our member companies GH James who are based in Trawsfynydd contacted us, from their base they are a 2 hour round journey to the training centre we use on Anglesey. GH James had 14 employees and labour only subcontractors to train on the these half day courses and approached the group to see how we could facilitate this.
To prevent all the delegates having to make the journey to Anglesey, GH James sourced a venue to deliver the training and our Group Training Officer sourced a trainer to deliver these courses.
Due to the numbers being trained the Group were able to further discount the courses from the £35 per person that would normally be charged, this cost saving enabled GH James to ensure that their employees and contractors are trained.
GH James have conOnued to use the Group to source training throughout 2023 and into 2024 and the North West Wales Constructon Training Group have facilitated 139 individual courses for the Company to enable them to ensure conOnued compliance with their legal responsibilies under the Health and Safety at Work act.
Our Group Training Officer was able to support GH James with a further issue that they had. A qualified motor vehicle mechanic working for them, was carrying out maintenance and repairs on Plant & Machinery belonging to the Company, however he had no formal qualificaon, the group worked hard to try and source suitable training and through working with partner training organisaons we were able to source an NVQ Level 3 qualificaOon in plant maintenance.
During 2023-24 we have facilitated a total of 475 training days for our members and have saved our members £22,055.36 on their training costs, this averages at over 14 training days per member and an average saving of approx £668 per member (this works out at a saving of between 6 and 13 Omes the membership fee, membership fee is dependant on no of employees).
For more informaon on the group and the benefits being a member offers including how we can support you with your training needs please get in touch either by phone on 07359 607153 or by e-mail
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